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Events before 2008

Thursday 29 March 2007, 7.30 PM - 9 PM: "Karabakh: a dangerous frozen conflict"
Panel Event at the Frontline Club, 13 Norfolk Place, London W.2

Our panel discussed possible resolutions of the tragic conflict that has overshadowed stability and prosperity for two nations, Armenia and Azerbaijan, before a packed audience of some 120 people that included members of the two communities in question, domestic and international media, and NGO groups. Visit our podcasts page for podcasts of the highlights of the discussion, introduced by Ziba Norman (highlights transcript currently in preparation).

Chair: Ziba Norman


Click on the thumbnails for larger images.

Our panel [73K] Audience [62K] A member of the audience posing a question [58K]

Saturday 1 July 2006, 1 PM - 4 PM: "Foreign Policy After Blair"
A Symposium at the European Institute, the London School of Economics

A roundtable discussion, convened by Democratiya, and hosted by the Transatlantic Institute. The participants discussed the following topics: has the "ethical foreign policy" any future -- terrorism -- relations between Europe and the USA -- and possible directions in foreign policy for the (ruling) Labour party after Prime Minster Tony Blair steps down. Visit our podcasts page for podcasts of the highlights of the discussion, introduced by Ziba Norman (we are covering each of the four topics in a separate podcast).

Participants (from left to right in the full-sized image linked from the thumbnail below)

Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

Roundtable Discussion [50K]

Saturday 10 June 2006, "Problems of the development of Civil Society in Oil-producing countries"
A lecture given to an invited audience, Nabran, Azerbaijan

William Arthurs gave a lecture summarising recent academic discussion and research. Further details on our Caucasus page.

Wednesday 30 November 2005, 7 PM: "Between Extremes: Citizenship and Censorship in a Free Society"
Panel Event at the Frontline Club, 13 Norfolk Place, London W.2 (map)

Our panel discussed the role of a citizen in a free society, and what, if any, controls should be placed on freedom of speech and association. An animated question and answer session took us up to almost 9 PM.

Chair: William Arthurs


Click on the thumbnails for larger images.

The Frontline Club [71K] Sylvia Corona speaking [71K] Dr Abdul Wahid speaking [72K] Richard Weight speaking [58K]

World Freedom Day, London UK Commemoration
9 November 2005

To commemorate World Freedom Day, the Transatlantic Institute held its balloon launch at St James's Piccadilly, by kind permission of the Rector, the Revd Dr Charles Hedley.

Press release.

Click on the thumbnails for larger images.

World Freedom Day balloons on a sunny morning (1) [73K] World Freedom Day balloons on a sunny morning (2) [46K] Transatlantic Institute director Ziba Norman, with balloons [120K] Cutting the ribbon [115K] Balloons start their journey... [222K] Balloons in the treetops [218K] ... flying to freedom [42K]

To read about our future plans to commemorate this historic date, see our World Freedom Day page.

Can economics help us to understand security problems?
A talk by William Arthurs, followed by discussion and questions
Monday 27 June 2005, the European Institute, London School of Economics

Traditionally, security has been understood in terms of technological advances. Public discussion of security revolves around technology; for example, missile systems, biometric data, 'chip and PIN' payment cards. The technological perspective on security cannot, however, explain apparently perverse behaviour on the part of users of secure technologies. At this event we discussed the wide range of tools and models provided by economic science, to understand individual actors' decisions about security and the interaction that takes place during the emergence of a collective decision. Once security problems are understood as problems of resource allocation and incentives, behaviours usually characterised as perverse can be readily explained.

This event is part of the TI's ICOES project. For further details, see the event flyer.

Lunchtime Briefing: Is Democracy Under Threat?
Friday, 11 March 2005, The Royal Society of Arts, London UK

Is Democracy under Threat? An invitation-only lunchtime briefing for high-level opinion formers. One year after the terrorist attacks in Madrid, and following the Madrid Summit, we asked what common strategies should the world's nations adopt in order to confront terrorism whilst strengthening our democratic traditions. Our briefing session opened a discussion on the causes of terrorism, and possible responses to the threat faced.

Briefing note and questions for discussion

The Transatlantic Institute thanks the Royal Society of Arts for their sponsorship of this event.

After the Election: Is this a turning point for America?
Friday, 26 November 2004 panel discussion, The Frontline Club, London UK

Panel: Dominic Hilton, columnist, Stephen Howe, writer and historian, Greg Katz, American political commentator for Atlantic Monthly and FT, Ben Ramm, editor, The Liberal
Chair: Ziba Norman

Our panel discussed the domestic and international implications of the United States elections before an audience of 40. An hour of presentations from the panel was followed by a lively 45-minute question and answer session.

Event flyer.
Event transcript.

Click on the thumbnails for larger images.

View of panel from the audience [195K] The audience enjoyed the informal setting of the Frontline Club [208K] The panel - left to right: Ziba Norman, Ben Ramm, Stephen Howe, Dominic Hilton, Greg Katz [209K] The panel take questions from the floor [200K]

World Freedom Day, London UK Commemoration
9 November 2004

The Transatlantic Institute held an invitation-only breakfast for high-level opinion formers. Following this, one hundred white balloons were released in Waterloo Place.

Press release.

Click on the thumbnails for larger images.

Balloons off Pall Mall [174K] Ziba Norman, Research Director, with balloons [342K] Cutting the ribbons [363K] Balloons in the sky... [209K] ... flying to freedom [158K]

To read about our future plans to commemorate this historic date, see our World Freedom Day page.

Election Night Party, London UK
2 November 2004

The Transatlantic Institute sponsored Europe's largest non-partisan Election Night Party in London's Soho, attended by over 800 people. The Party gained the attention of the world's media.

Pre-event press release.
Post-event press release.

Click on the thumbnails for larger images.

election001.jpg election002.jpg election003.jpg election004.jpg

More information

If you are interested in further details of our events, and/or would like to attend, please contact us via the events email address (see Contacts page for full details).

Transatlantic & Caucasus Studies Institute is a working name of The Transatlantic Institute.

© The Transatlantic Institute 2004-2025. Registered charity number 1108682.